Singing From Loud to Soft Without Cracking

Singing from loud to soft without cracking can make your song great and inspire your audience but requires some skill on your part.


Inside this video I’ll teach you how to do it on both low and high notes.


Singing from loud to soft without cracking is an awesome singing technique and creates great moments while singing your songs.


But a lot of singers can’t sing from soft to loud without a sudden break or adjustment in the tone. This ruins the moment and can be embarrassing.


Singing From Loud to Soft Without Cracking


Here are 4 steps to help you in your singing from loud to soft without cracking.


#1. Whether you are singing pitches that are lower, in your middle or top of your range, you must learn how to bridge. This means you must learn to have a mix of head and chest voice as you sing through the first bridge of your voice…the area of your voice that wants to crack, break or strain.  


You’ll find help with this on my website at When you land on the homepage, you’ll see the PowerTest. This is a vocal test that will give you your vocal type. The vocal type describes what you tend to do when you sing through the first bridge of the voice.


Take the quiz and get your vocal type. Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type. Download the free exercises and start practicing them.


The exercises will help you learn to sing in and through the break area of your voice without straining, cracking or breaking. This is the number one skill to help you in your singing from loud to soft without cracking.


Ladies, once you learn to do this in this middle area of your voice you’ll be able to sing without breaks on all pitches.


Gentlemen, once you learn to do this in what feels like the top of your voice, you will also be able to sing without breaks on all pitches.


#2. Learn to sing a closed vowel followed by an open vowel, while keeping the open vowel in the same place and feel of the closed vowel.


Here’s how. With the octave repeat scale, sing “new” and “no” like this. [Demo] Notice I allowed the “no” to stay in the same “place” as the “new” like this. [Demo ] I didn’t do this. [Demo]


Men start on the A3 and go down to the E3 and back up again.

Women start on the C#4 and go down to the A3 and back up again.


Men do it like this. [Demo] Now it’s your turn.


Women do it like this. [Demo] Now it’s your turn. [Play Women’s notes] Excellent, Women!


When you can do this successfully without breaking, cracking or straining, then progress to this exercise.


It’s the same pitches. The only difference is you sustain each word like this. [Demo]


Men do it like this. [Demo] Now it’s your turn.  


Women do it like this. [Demo] Now it’s your turn.


#3. Do these last exercises going from medium loud to medium soft. [Demo] As you get comfortable doing this without straining or breaking, you can do it loud to soft, then very loud to very soft. [Demo]


#4. Consistent air flow will help you. Imagine you are pushing a Semi-truck with the word “Tone” on it down the highway with your air that’s flowing through your vocal cords. You must keep a steady flow of air against the back of the “tone truck”. As you use your air, push the “tone truck” down the highway. [Demo]


If you stop the air, or if the airflow is not consistent and steady, the “tone truck” will sputter or stop altogether. [Demo]


Keep a constant “leaning” of air against the back of the “truck”.  It doesn’t need to be a hard, stiff “lean”, just steady and consistent.


Use this steady air flow and imagery as you do number 3 above. [Demo]


If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up,  subscribe and share it with a friend. What happens when you try and sing from loud to soft? I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.



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Picture of Chuck Gilmore

Chuck Gilmore

If you want to do more with your singing voice it is possible. This is the first and most important message. It is possible to achieve your dreams to sing better, to sing higher, and to add beauty, confidence and power to your voice!

I know this because I’ve experienced a real change in my voice. I am reaching my dreams to sing and perform. You can find happiness and fulfillment with your singing too!!


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