Discover Your Vocal Type
…and by ‘type’ I don’t mean soprano, alto, tenor or bass…
Knowing your vocal type is the critical first step to overcoming the roadblocks holding you back on your journey to reaching your full potential as a singer…
Does this sound like you?
You struggle to hit high notes when you sing. Your voice cracks, strains or breaks when you move from low to high. Or, even worse, you resort to yelling and hope no one notices.
Your voice sounds too light, airy or breathy. It feels weak and unsupported.
Poor vocal technique has sucked the joy out of singing. You’re sick of the sweaty palms and dread you feel every time you approach the top notes during a live performance.
You’re fed up of feeling restricted as a songwriter, unable to fully express yourself due to vocal limitations.
You’re a professional singer who lives in fear of an empty calendar due to damaged vocal cords or under performance.
You’re an amateur who can carry a tune but singing for any length of time is exhausting. Your instincts tell you you’re making it harder than it has to be. You’ve scoured the internet for answers but the fountain of contradictory advice only left you feeling more lost.
Does this sound like you?
Hitting high notes should be as easy as breathing. It’s not a special skill reserved for a select few, gifted with superior genes. Anyone can do it. And that includes you.
It begins by discovering your vocal type.

What is your vocal type?
There are four vocal types: Pulled Chest-High Larynx, Light Chest-No Chest, Flip-Falsetto and Mix.
(Don’t worry about their names right now, let’s keep things simple!)
Each of us fits into one of these four types when we sing. And each type comes with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Understanding your vocal type moves you from unconscious incompetence into an immediate awareness of why you face the challenges you do and what to focus on in order to rapidly release the full range, power and beauty of your singing voice.
How to discover your vocal type (Ages 16 and Older)
Discovering your vocal type is easy:
1. Record a short vocal exercise with the piano accompaniment below.
2. Answer the quick quiz about your voice underneath the recorder
3. When you’ve finished, enter your name and email so I can send you your results
Go to your email to learn about your voice. Inside you’ll get access to:
Your vocal type and why it’s causing you trouble when you sing high notes.
A brief breakdown of what is happening in your body when you sing in a higher register. This will help you understand the mechanics of your vocal instrument
Discover your vocal type now…
Step 1 – Record Your Voice (Ages 16 and older)
Click to “Start Recording”
You may need to allow access to your microphone in the chrome permissions dialog which normally appears in the upper left window of your browser.
Press Play. Then sing “Ah”.
Men: Press the play button.
Women: Press the play button.
Click the “Stop” button when you’re done singing.
For Men:
For Women:
Step 2 – Now take the quiz to discover your vocal type
Why should you listen to me?
Hi, I’m Chuck, the founder of Power to Sing.
I’ve been a certified singing instructor since the early 2000s. I was trained to be a teacher by Seth Riggs, founder of Speech Level Singing and vocal coach to Michael Jackson.
To date, I’ve starred in nearly 45 musical productions as the lead role or supporting singer. That’s a picture of me playing the king in The King and I. Not bad considering I once took a 24 year break from performing due to discouragement with my singing voice.
Maybe you came here from my YouTube channel which has over 21,800,000 views… or you’ve never heard of me. It doesn’t matter. This is about your voice.
I love teaching almost as much as I love singing. I want to help as many people around the world sing with the beauty, confidence and power we’re all capable of.
Find out your vocal type now and start releasing the incredible voice within you today.