How to Train my Voice to Sing Higher

Ep.75: How to Train My Voice to Sing Higher: Coordinate the Muscles Inside the Larynx


It’s almost universal. Virtually every singer wants to increase their vocal range upward.  How do you train your voice to sing higher?   What is the first thing you must do? What is the one thing that must happen before you will ever be successful?


I’m going to show you now!


How to Train My Voice to Sing Higher


How do you train your voice to sing higher? First you must start with coordination. You must retrain your outer neck muscles to stay relaxed. This will allow the internal vocal cord muscles inside your larynx to work easily. They will not be squeezed by the external muscles.


How to Train My Voice to Sing Higher

Years of singing wrong makes this a difficult habit to break.


Here is one of the best exercises to separate the external outer neck muscles from the internal vocal cords.


It is the word “goo”.  Sing “goo” on an simple 5 tone scale.  The starting pitch is important. The exercise must take your voice through the first bridge. Why? This is where your muscles must learn a new coordination.


In the past they begin to grip, grab and squeeze the larynx. This sends the larynx upwards which prevents the free vibration of the vocal cords.


Men’s pitches begin on the G below middle C.  Women’s pitches begin on Middle C. Let me demonstrate. [Demo]


Women begin on the Middle C. [Demo]


Now let me show you how not to do it. [Demo] Can you hear the hootie sound?  For the women it’s the same thing! [Demo]


How can you be aware of tension and relax that tension. Here are a few tips.


Don’t sing too loud. You can monitor yourself by being aware of the difference between a hootie sound and a squeezed sound. Here’s the difference. Here’s how it sounds with tension. [Demo] Without tension. [Demo]  As opposed to with tension. [Demo]  Can you hear the difference? You can definitely feel it. [Demo]


Be sure when you are doing the exercises with the “goo”  you don’t disconnect into falsetto. [Demo]

Also be sure that you start in your chest voice [demo] and then return to chest at the bottom.


By doing this, you are developing a new coordination. You are training your vocal cords to work independently from the outer neck muscles.


You may experience a new feeling. It will feel lighter and easier. You may feel the resonance moving from your chest into your head.  Let it happen. Don’t fight it. Be aware of the feeling.


This is the first step. This is not your finished vocal sound you will sing with. But it is the beginning of a new vocal coordination that will lead to increasing your range and maximizing your voice. Without it you will not be successful.


This process of coordinating your voice can be very challenging. If your vocal type is Pulled Chest-High Larynx,  Flip-Falsetto or Light Chest- No Chest, learning this may not come easily.


Do you know your vocal type? I don’t mean whether you are soprano, alto, tenor or bass. Your vocal type is what you tend to do when you sing.


Visit Power To and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type.


Download the free exercises for your vocal type. They are designed to help you develop a new vocal coordination and progress rapidly with your voice.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power. I’ll see you inside the next video.


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