How To Train My Voice To Sing Higher

Ep.76:How To Train My Voice to Sing Higher #2 – A Simple and Powerful Help


This video helps answer the question, “How To Train My Voice to Sing Higher?”.


The main reason many of us have difficulty singing higher is that we’ve never been taught how to do it.


This video continues coordinating the internal muscles of the larynx so you can sing higher.


Get ready for the next essential exercise to make you successful.


How To Train My Voice to Sing Higher


Every voice is unique and one exercise may work better for you than another. Here is a powerfully simple exercise to help you retrain and coordinate the internal muscles of the larynx.


The exercise is called Bubble Lips or Lip Trill. I’m told “lip trill” translates better into other languages.


Let’s break bubble lips down into steps.


Step #1:  Locate your jaw line with your fingers and gently lift the skin upward. Why? This will take the weight of your cheeks off of your lips.


Step #2: Gently blow air past your lips just hard enough to cause them to bubble or trill.  Don’t blow too hard. [Demo] You what the minimum air blow needed to cause the bubble. [Demo]


Step #3: Say “uh”. “Uh”. Make it an easy relaxed “uh”.  Now combine the “uh” with the lip bubble, like this. [Demo]. Make it relaxed, with the least amount of air, and the slowest bubble that you can. Like this. [Demo]


Step #4: Do do it with the 5-Tone scale. Men begin on the G below Middle C. Women begin on Middle C.

Let me demonstrate. I’m using one hand so I can play the piano with the other. You use two. [Demo]

You go up 6 half steps and back down to your starting pitch.  


How To Train My Voice to Sing Higher – Bubble Lip Benefits


Here are some benefits. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise.


  • This will help you coordinate and balance your airflow with your vocal cords. It will disengage the outer muscles surrounding the larynx.


  • It helps isolate the external neck muscles from the vocal cords, so the cords can function freely without external squeezing.


  • The air resistance created by the vocal cords and the lips creates a gentle back-pressure on the larynx. This helps keep the larynx low.


  • The vibration or resonance can go higher while the larynx stays down so we can vocalize on the high pitches easily.



How To Train My Voice to Sing Higher


When I did this exercise the first time, I remember being surprised. I may have vocalize this high before, but it would have been in falsetto.


I thought, “How can I be vocalizing this high without going into falsetto?”  This was a new, different and exciting feeling.


This feels different because you don’t disconnect into falsetto. If you disconnect into falsetto try this:


  1. Try bending 90 degrees at the waist while looking down at the floor. Like this. [Demo]
  2. Try adding a dopey feeling to your bubbles. Find it like this. [Demo] Then do the bubble lips.


Bubble lips, and “goo” from the previous video are two simple but powerful exercises to train your voice to sing higher.


These exercises will help you whether your vocal type is pulled chest-high larynx, flip-falsetto or light chest-no chest or Mix.


These vocal types describe what you tend to do when you sing. Do you know your vocal type? You can get your vocal type by visiting and taking the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest.


Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos to learn all about your vocal type. You can download the free exercises designed for your specific vocal type. They’ll help you begin improving your voice rapidly.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with PowerToSing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.  


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