How To Record Yourself


Are you an iPhone / iPad user?

How to Take the PowerTest with an iPhone

Take the PowerTest to discover your Vocal Type using a mobile device.

As of this video, mobile operating systems don’t permit playing music and recording simultaneously.

Watch this video to find out how to get your vocal type using a mobile phone. The solution is Your Best Friend! Use each others phones. First record with yours while your friend plays the music. You can take the PowerTest and quiz and get your vocal type. Then reverse the process to enable your best friend to get their vocal type!

Are you an Android Phone / Tablet user?

We’re still working on this. For now, try the Smart Voice Recorder app. It’s a simple recording tool. It’s been reported you can playback our audio and record yourself with this app, export your recording and then e-mail it to me directly!


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  1. HI Robin: I received word from the owner of Speakpipe that the Speakpipe app works natively with the Safari ios so they don’t service an app for iphone anymore. I asked about android but haven’t heard back from him. I don’t have an Android. Anyone out there confirm whether Speakpipe has an app for the Android OS?

  2. Hi Chuck! With regards to your comment stating ‘Thanks Wendy. I can’t find it either. I’ll email the company and find out what happened to the app. Maybe a temporary glitch. Thanks for the heads up!’, will you inform us when it has been resolved/made available?

  3. Thanks Wendy. I can’t find it either. I’ll email the company and find out what happened to the app. Maybe a temporary glitch. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Hi,
    I can’t record my voice through the website, but I can use the suggested app.
    I need to know your e-mail address to send you the recording of my voice.