How To RELEASE STRAIN When Singing – 3 Simple Tricks!
Straining while singing sounds bad. It also prevents you from becoming a better singer. Right now, I’m going to teach you 3 simple tricks to help you know how to release strain when singing and release the real power of your voice!
Each week I teach you lessons in vocal technique so you can build a powerful and confident singing voice. So you don’t miss out, please subscribe to my channel, Power To Sing. Be sure to click on the bell so you can be notified when I post special videos for you each week!
I’ll give you three simple tricks that help to release strain and build power in your voice. These tricks have worked for hundreds of singers and now you have a chance to experience them yourself. So watch to the end of the video.
When you strain when singing, there are expected consequences. Your vocal cords can’t produce their best tone. The outer muscles squeeze the vocal cords.
That extra squeeze on the vocal cords prevents complete freedom of vocal cord movement. The added tension around your vocal cords makes singing harder…not easier. You often sound flat or sharp. Your voice gets tired faster.
Here is an UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCE. You can’t develop vocal power in or near your bridge where you need it most. Your bridge is where you transition from low to high voice.
To make up for a weaker tone, you pull your chest voice up, or you over-compress and tighten your voice, or you sing too loud which makes the straining worse.
When you try to relax and release the strain your tone becomes weaker, so you add more tension, squeezing and loudness.
You must release strain so your vocal cords can (on their own) develop real independent power.
That means they’re free from added tension or squeezing and able to increase their own power. They’re free to balance easily with the air from the lungs. The mouth and tongue are relaxed and form words easily just like talking.
How To RELEASE STRAIN When Singing – 3 Simple Tricks!
Trick Number 1.
Subtract Your Voice. As you do this exercise, reduce the loudness and the force. Consciously subtract air flow and loudness, until it’s barely felt in the throat and mouth.
There’ll be no tension, reach, or strain. Instead it feels hollow or hooty. You may think it’s falsetto, but it’s not. It’s a connected tone. It’s light head voice with release.
Experience it this way.
On an “Oh” sing an arpeggio and sustain the top note with vibrato like this. [Demo]
Don’t do it loud. Remember subtract your voice. It will feel lighter and tensionless.
Don’t grab the cord structure like this. [Demo] Can you hear the grab? Release it by subtracting your voice. [Demo]
Bottom notes for men start on the F3 and go up three half-steps to the Ab3. Guys yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready guys, begin.
Ladies do the same starting on Middle C and go up three half-steps to the Eb4. Yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready ladies, begin.
Trick Number 2
Use the same subtract strategy with a standard Octave Repeat Scale with a sustain on “Mum” like this. [Demo]
Don’t do it loud. Subtract the voice. On the top note don’t get louder as you sustain. It’ll feel like it’s floating easily out your mouth.
Men and women start and end on the same notes as above. Guys yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready guys, begin.
Ladies yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready ladies, begin.
Trick Number 3
Use the same subtract strategy only this time use the “mum” with a standard Octave Repeat Scale like this. [Demo]
The trick here is to subtract your voice and then immediately get louder on each repeat like this. [Demo]
When saying “mum”, do it in steps.
Step 1: With the same feeling of subtracting…Release, relax, let go. [Demo]
Step 2: (in the next instant…almost simultaneously) press in to the feeling of release…or into the feeling of letting go. [Demo]
The best way I can describe pressing in, is to get gradually louder without falling into chest. The trick is to keep the “mum” pure and not contaminate it with “mahm” or “mam”.
Doing it wrong would sound like this.[Demo]
Listen how I do Step 1 and Step 2 one after the other. [Demo] Now listen how I do them one after the other…virtually in the same moment…simultaneously. [Demo]
Men and women start and end on the same notes as above. Guys yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready guys, begin.
Ladies yours sounds like this. [Demo] Ready ladies, begin.
Maintain the same release as in Tricks 1 and 2. As soon as you grip or grab the tone, you introduce strain again.
Repeat these three exercises periodically. Be strict in following the instructions and demonstrations.
Are you able to feel the vocal cords growing in power as you release strain and then press into that feeling of release? Tell me in the comments below, if you experienced a feeling of release without tension and more power without straining.
I’m going to give you a bonus that will make Trick Number 3 work faster. But first let me give you a resource to make these tricks easier to do.
Follow these steps.
One. Download this PDF, Get Your Vocal Type. Get it here or in the description below this Youtube video.
Two. Follow the links on the PDF and take the vocal test. The vocal test will help you discover your vocal type. Your vocal type describes what you tend to do when you sing through the bridge.
Three. Watch the videos about your vocal type and watch demonstrations of exercises for your vocal type, so you can get faster results.
Four. Download the exercises for your vocal type and start practicing them. These exercises, designed for your vocal type, will help you make immediate improvement with your singing voice and make these 3 tricks easier for you to do.
Also, to join a community of singers just like you, I invite you to join my Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.
In addition, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @powertosing.
Here’s the Bonus. Do Trick Number 3 exactly as demonstrated, but do the repeat twice like this. [Demo] Follow the exact directions as before, but this time, press in getting gradually louder with the extra repeats. [Demo]
This can speed up the development of power in your voice.
I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.
I’ll see you inside the next video.