Ep.90 Is Falsetto Ok to Use When I Sing?


The past several episodes have focused on strengthening the voice. We’ve done exercises to get the vocal cords to come together (to adduct) from the bottom to the top of your voice which increases your vocal power.


If bringing the vocal cords together throughout the full range of your voice helps strengthen your voice, the question could be asked: “Is falsetto ok to use when I sing?”

Is Falsetto Ok to Use When I Sing? Yes and No!

Inside this video I reveal the ugly truth about falsetto!


Is Falsetto Ok to Use When I Sing?

Is falsetto ok to use when I sing?


Yes if you choose to use falsetto!  No if you have to use falsetto!


If you what to make a stylistic choice to create a certain mood or sound and you choose to flip into falsetto, then go for it.


If you get to a certain part of the song and the only way you can sing it is to disconnect your cords into falsetto, YOU ARE VOCALLY LIMITED!


There’s a problem you’re avoiding by using falsetto. You didn’t have the ability to do it with connected head voice.  You had no choice.


So no! Under these circumstances, falsetto is not ok!


Why?  Because this is an indication that your vocal cords disconnect against your will.


Here are some possible reasons for this problem of spontaneous disconnection.

  • The voice is out of balance
  • The larynx is too high
  • Chest voice is pulled too high
  • The vocal cords are not adducting firmly enough
  • There’s too much air flow
  • You have vocal damage that prevents your cords from adducting
  • You don’t know how to bridge and mix your chest with your head voice


Is There Anything Positive About Falsetto?

You can create a very sudden shift in your tone quality accompanied by a breaking sound.


I think that so many singers have had to do that, that it’s become a style that others use whether they have to disconnect or not.


Maybe there are some who can sing the same thing without disconnecting that choose to use that device (falsetto) for a special effect.


Is Falsetto Ok to Use When I Sing? Problems

So is falsetto ok to use when I sing? Well there’re some problems.


Here are some problems with falsetto that you do not have with connected tone production.


  1. Years in falsetto will eventually encourage a wobble to develop in the voice. [Demo]
  2. Falsetto does not blend into the chest voice. [Demo]
  3. It’s harder to build power into the condition of disconnected vocal cords. [Demo] You can press into that.
  4. You’re avoiding the root problem causing the vocal cords to disconnect, which limits your voice.


Here are some benefits of the connected tone that you can use instead of falsetto.


  1. Singing with appropriately connected cords helps maintain healthy vocal cords for life. [Demo]
  2. Connected vocal tone will blend into the chest voice without having to clunk back in, like falsetto. [Demo] No break, no clunk back into chest.
  3. You can build strength and power into the condition of connected vocal cords. [Demo]
  4. When you’re able to sing from chest to head and back without any interruption in the tone, your voice is more balanced with fewer limitations. [Demo]


Generally I don’t recommend using falsetto because of its’ limitations. But it’s ok to use as a stylistic choice if you choose to. It’s not ok if you have to use falsetto.


If you tend to flip into falsetto it’s likely that your vocal type is Flip-Falsetto or Pulled Chest-High Larynx. Do you know your vocal type? I’m not referring to your vocal classification, soprano, alto, tenor or bass.


Your vocal type is what you tend to do when you sing. To discover your vocal type, go to PowerToSing.com and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest.


Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Go to the Knowledge Center and watch all the videos about your vocal type.


Download the free exercises for your vocal type and start practicing. The exercises are designed to help your voice improve rapidly.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.

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Chuck Gilmore

If you want to do more with your singing voice it is possible. This is the first and most important message. It is possible to achieve your dreams to sing better, to sing higher, and to add beauty, confidence and power to your voice!

I know this because I’ve experienced a real change in my voice. I am reaching my dreams to sing and perform. You can find happiness and fulfillment with your singing too!!


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  1. Hello Chuck,

    Thanks for another power packed and useful content on how to get better as a singer.

    Really appreciate all the good work you do here

    Have a nice day

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