Low Larynx Singing Exercises – 5 Simple Exercises for Quick Results

If your larynx is high when you sing, your voice jams up and sounds squeezed and tight. You can keep the larynx down with special Low Larynx Singing Exercises.

Inside this video, I’ll give you 5 simple exercises to keep your larynx down so your singing is easier and sounds better than ever before.


Hi I’m Chuck Gilmore, International Vocal Coach and Founder of Power To Sing.


Each week I teach you lessons in vocal technique so you can build a powerful and confident singing voice. So you don’t miss out, please subscribe to my channel, Power To Sing. Be sure to click on the bell so you can be notified when I post special videos for you each week!


As you sing higher, it’s easy for your larynx to go higher and higher. When this happens you’re going into swallowing mode.


That means as the larynx rises, the outer neck muscles surrounding your larynx, cinch tighter and tighter.


This pulls the larynx higher still and singing gets difficult to do. Now you’re really straining and reaching for the high notes. Your pitch goes flat and your tone suffers. Pretty soon it sounds like you’re yelling.


In contrast, with the larynx staying in a neutral or resting level, the same level or position where you speak, singing can be as easy and effortless as speaking, even when singing high notes.


But it’s hard to break old habits of reaching and straining as you sing higher.


Here are five amazing exercises that will help you retrain your nervous system to stop grabbing and squeezing. The exercises will keep your larynx at your speech level where it rests when you’re having a comfortable conversation with a friend.


Allowing the larynx to rest comfortably low while you sing has a powerful effect on your singing.


First, it helps eliminate the squeezing and grabbing as you sing higher. This eliminates tension and makes high notes easy so your voice sounds natural and strong.


Second, singing while your larynx is resting lower allows the vibrations to shift easily from chest to head voice. This helps the high notes sound easy and effortless.


Third, it stops you from pulling your chest voice higher and straining your voice.


Here are five Low Larynx Singing Exercises for you to practice. They will help you retrain your larynx to stay lower instead of going higher as you sing.


The closer you can do the exercises as demonstrated, the better and faster will be your results. Do all the exercises at medium or medium soft. We will do men first then the ladies.


Exercise One – Bubble Lips – 1 ½ Scale


This scale sounds like this. [Demo]


Find your jaw and with your fingers lift your cheeks. As you say “uh”, start the bubble. [demo]


Men begin on the Bb2 and go up to the F#3. Drop out where you need to. There’s no need to sing as high as the tenors. [Demo] Ready men. Begin.


Ladies you begin on the F#3 and go up to Middle C. [Demo]  Ready ladies. Begin.


Exercise Two – Dopy Goo – 1 ½ Scale


We’ll use the same notes for men and women as above. The dopy goo sounds like this. [Demo]


There are three secrets to doing this exercise. The first is the dopy sound. Say “duh” as dopy as you can. [demo] Not normal like this. [Demo]  But dopy like this. [Demo]


Now combine that dopy sound with the word “Goo”. [Demo] That’s secret number one. It physically lowers the larynx.


Put your hand on your Adams Apple which is the top of the larynx. Now say “Goo” with the dopy sound. Can you feel your larynx move downward?  Please let me know in the comments section below this Youtube video.


Secret Number two: As you do the exercise, if you maintain the dopy sound the word “goo”  starts sounding hooty or hollow like this. [Demo] If you lose the dopy sound, or in other words, if the larynx starts to come up, it sounds like this. [Demo] If this happens your larynx is coming up. You must maintain the dopy feeling which slightly imposes the larynx down. As you do, your tone will begin to feel hooty or hollow as you sing higher. [Demo]



Secret Number Three: When singing “goo” make sure you form “oo” on your lips. Relax your jaw so it drops as you sing higher.[Demo]  Don’t let the vowel spread to “guh”. [Demo]   Keep it on “goo”. “Oo” lips will help.


Men. [Demo] Ready begin.


Now Ladies. [Demo] Ready ladies.  Begin.



Exercise Three – Dopy Gee – 1 ½ Scale


Instructions for Dopy Gee are the same as Dopy Goo. In fact, say “ Gee” with “oo” lips like this. [Demo] Keep the dopy/hooty sound as you sing higher. [Demo] If your larynx starts to come up it sounds like this: [Demo]


Men. [Demo] Ready, begin.


Now ladies. [Demo] Ready begin.


Exercise Four – Dopy Goo – Octave Repeat Scale


This exercise sounds like this. [Demo] Men begin on the Ab3 and go down to the E3. Maintain the dopy/hooty sound on this exercise just as you did above. Remember to stay with that dopy sound even on the way back down into chest voice. Don’t let it go normal on the way down like this: [Demo]


Men. [Demo] Ready men, begin.


Ladies you begin on the Eb4 and go down to the A3.

[Demo] Ready Ladies. Begin.



Exercise Five – Dopy Gee – Octave Repeat Scale


This exercise sounds like this. [Demo] Instructions and pitches for this exercise are the same as the Dopy Goo. Maintain “oo” lips and the dopy/hooty sound just as you’ve done before.


Men. [Demo] Ready men, begin.


Ladies. [Demo] Ready, begin.



Here’s a link to download these exercises. The above exercises were only the first half of the exercise to save time. As a bonus, this MP3 will give you the complete exercise and take you back to the start.


You can get the free MP3, Low Larynx Singing Exercises, here or in the description below this video. This will make practicing these exercises easier.




Also, to join a community of singers just like you, I invite you to join my Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


In addition, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @powertosing.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power. I’ll see you inside the next video.

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Picture of Chuck Gilmore

Chuck Gilmore

If you want to do more with your singing voice it is possible. This is the first and most important message. It is possible to achieve your dreams to sing better, to sing higher, and to add beauty, confidence and power to your voice!

I know this because I’ve experienced a real change in my voice. I am reaching my dreams to sing and perform. You can find happiness and fulfillment with your singing too!!


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  1. Thnx. Chuck for your quick response. I shall practice hard based on your tip, a ndrevert to you when I need. I find that your tips are very relevant & specific – you are doing great service to Music lovers.
    Raj Srinivas @ Bangalore

  2. Hi Chuck,
    My question to you on these exercises:
    As I move to the higher notes in each exercise, I find it necessary to pull my stomach fully in or fully out to sing them (perhaps pulling in makes it easier).
    Is this the correct method, or do you have a better suggestion.
    Thnx. in advance,
    Raj Srinivas @ Bangalore

  3. Hullo Chuck,
    My question to you on these exercises:
    As I come to the higher notes, I find it easier to sing the higher notes by pulling my stomach fully in or fully out (perhaps pulling in feels better). Is this the correct method or do you have any other suggestion?
    Raj Srinivas @ Bangalore

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