Singing from Chest to Head Voice – Part 2 – Exercises For Stronger Head Voice
Congratulations! In Part One you started singing from chest to head voice. However, it’s likely this transition to head voice is still weak and unstable. Here are three exercises to build the strength and power of your new head voice.
Hi, I’m Chuck Gilmore, International Vocal Coach and Founder of Power To Sing.
In Part 1 of this series you learned three exercises to help you begin singing from chest to head voice. Here are three more exercises to help your mix and head voice become stronger and more powerful.
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What I’m about to tell you is vital and must not be disregarded. A strong and powerful head voice that will last a lifetime of singing, is only possible if your first bridge is free from tension or strain.
The first bridge for tenors, baritones and basses is E4, F, F#4. For the heftier, deeper bass voice which is less common, that’s your second bridge. Your first bridge is A3, Bb, B, Middle C, and C#4. If this is your voice, in this video sing the women’s exercises an octave lower.
The first bridge for sopranos, mezzo’s and altos is A4, Bb, B, C5, C#5. For the heftier, deeper contralto voice, which is more rare, that’s your second bridge. Your first bridge is E4, F, F#4. If this is your voice, in this video sing the men’s exercises.
Exercise One – Goo
This exercise sounds like this: [Demo – Octave Repeat scale]
Let the tone go hooty as the pitch ascends, like this. [Demo] This enables the larynx to stay down and eliminates the tension. When done as demonstrated, you’re separating the vocal cords from the outer muscles that aren’t needed to produce tone.
If done incorrectly, it sounds like this. [Demo]
I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn. Men start on the Ab3. [Demo]
Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)
Ladies yours begins on the C#4. [Demo] Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)
Be careful that the vowel doesn’t change from “oo” to something like this. [Demo] That indicates the larynx is coming up which adds tension. Keep the “Goo” consistent on all notes. [Demo]
Even though this doesn’t feel strong and powerful yet, you are conditioning the vocal cords to create the tone without using the surrounding swallowing muscles. This is required first before you can sing in head voice with power WITHOUT reaching.
Exercises Two – Goo-Go
Using the same scale and pitches sing Goo-Go like this. [Demo repeat] Notice that “Go” is also repeated and follows the same feeling as “Goo”. [Demo] Be careful that “Go” doesn’t splat down into the mouth like this. [Demo] If that happens, you lose the blend or mixing of chest and head voice. Now it’s just pulled up chest voice. [Demo]
I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn, men. [Demo]
Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)
Ladies, [Demo]. Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)
Make it easier by using “oo” lips as you say “Go” like this. [Demo] Just think of the word “Go”. Don’t over-pronounce “Go” so that it splats down into chest voice. [Demo] Concentrate on singing the wider vowel “Go” in the more narrow feeling “Goo” [Demo]
This is a great exercise to build strength and power while singing from chest to head voice. Singing “Go” in that smaller place where you feel “Goo” vibrating, is what mix and head voice feels like.
Try this. Do one exercise again and do it wrong by singing “Go” in chest. [Demo] Singing “Go” wrong is the feeling of pulled up chest. Sung correctly is the feeling of Mix. [Demo]
Can you feel the difference between the chest and mix voice? Tell me “Yes” or “No” in the comments below.
Exercise Three – Goo-Go Sustained
Using the same scale and pitches, do the same exercise. Only this time instead of repeating, sustain the words “Goo-Go” like this. [Demo]
I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn, men.[Demo]
Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)
Ladies, [Demo]. Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)
This exercise builds strength and coordination as you mix in the bridge and sing into head voice.
This is a perfect exercise to add vibrato to your voice like this. [Demo] Here’s a video on 5 ways to get vibrato that will be helpful. I’ll put the link here in this card, and on the end screen.
As this gets easier and stronger, gradually increase the volume. As you get louder, be careful to keep “Go” vibrating in the same feeling as “Goo”. This will build your mix and head voice.
Be strict with yourself and don’t let it fall into chest voice. If you keep falling into chest…you build chest voice. Your mix and head voice will NEVER get better if you practice this way.
Master these exercises and you’ll have strength and power singing from chest to head voice. Now you’re ready for Part Three in this video series. I’ll tell you about that in a second.
If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend. Can you feel the difference between your chest and mix? Let me know in the comments section below.
To keep building power and confidence singing from chest to head voice, your voice will grow significantly faster by doing the exercises for your vocal type. Do you know your vocal type?
To get your vocal type, download the PDF titled “Get Your Vocal Type”. It’s available here or in the description below this Youtube video.
After downloading the PDF, follow the links and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Watch the videos about your vocal type and download the exercises and start working on them. They’ll help you succeed even faster.
If you want to join a community of singers just like you, I have a Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.
In Part Three of this series, I’ll give you exercises to help prepare you use your more powerful mix and head voice in songs.
I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.
I’ll see you inside the next video.