Singing from Chest to Head Voice
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Singing from Chest to Head Voice – Part 3 – Exercises for Power in Songs!

Wow! In Part One and Two you started singing from chest to head voice while developing vocal power and confidence. But why…after getting so much better in the exercises is it so hard to sing easily with power in songs?


In this third of three video series, I’ll give you three more exercises to enable you to sing songs with a more powerful mix and head voice.


Hi, I’m Chuck Gilmore, International Vocal Coach and Founder of Power To Sing. If you missed the previous videos in this series, you may want to watch videos #1 and 2 before tackling this one.


In Part 1 and 2 you learned six exercises to help you begin singing from chest to head voice with power and confidence. Unfortunately, singing songs with that same power trips up almost all of us singers. Here in Part 3, are three exercises to help you use a powerful mix and head voice in songs.


For a revolutionary singing technique to build an amazing and confident singing voice for any genre, please subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when I post a video every Friday!


Do you get discouraged trying to sing songs with the same power and control you have in the exercises.


Do you find that whenever you begin singing songs in your bridge or head voice, the constantly changing vowels and pitches mess you up?

Here are three exercises to train you to stay in your mix and head voice on various vowels and pitches.


Exercise One – Gee-Gay

This exercise sounds like this: [Demo – Octave Repeat scale]


The pitch requires you begin with a hooty “Gee”. Then keep the “Gay” in the same feeling established by the “Gee”. [Demo] If the “Gay” falls down into the mouth, then the chest voice and larynx pulls up. [Demo]


I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn. Men start on the Ab3. [Demo]


Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)


Ladies yours begins on the C#4. [Demo] Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)


As you get better at this exercise, you can begin increasing the volume on the “Gay” while staying the the narrow feeling the “Gee” established. This builds your mix and head voice. It helps you memorize the feeling of mix and head voice so you can stay in it while singing songs.


By now you you can feel that mix condition doesn’t change as you sing higher into head voice. The coordination of the vocal cords is the same. Mix and head voice build each other.


As the pitch ascends it’s easier if you’ll decrease the loudness and amount of air you’re sending to the vocal cords. This decreases tension as you sing higher and makes is easier to sing the high notes.


Exercise Two – Gee-Gay Sustained

Using the same scale and pitches, do the same exercise. Only this time instead of repeating, sustain the words “Gee-Gay” like this. [Demo]


I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn. [Demo]


Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)


Ladies, [Demo].  Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)


As you master this exercise, begin to crescendo on “Gay”. This will build your mix and head voice. [Demo] Don’t let it fall down into your mouth as you do. That throws you out of mix and head voice and into pulled up chest.  [Demo]


Vowel changes like this are common in songs and even more challenging because of the changing pitches. Our next exercise adds a third and more open vowel.


Exercise Three – [oo-oh-ah] Sustained

Using the same scale and pitches sing “oo-oh-ah” like this. [Demo sustain with vowel change] As you sing “Oh” and “Ah” make sure both flow into the same feeling as the “oo” [Demo]


Doing it wrong means they would splat into the mouth. If that happens, you lose the mix or head voice. Then it becomes pulled up chest voice. [Demo wrong]


I’ll demonstrate it once and then it’s your turn, men. [Demo]


Ready men: Begin. (Down 4 steps)


Ladies, [Demo].  Ready Begin. (Down 4 steps)


As you transition to “Oh” and “Ah” don’t over do the change of the vowel. Just think the difference. This will help you keep the more open vowels in the narrower place the “oo” started.


As you are able to do this successfully, you can begin to crescendo on the second and third vowel as loud as you want. As long as it flows into the same narrow “place” as the “oo”, you’ll stay in mix or head voice. This is how you continue building strength and power. [Demo]


Which vowel is more challenging to keep in mix? The “Oh” or the “Ah”?  Let me know in the comments below.


Master these exercises and you’ll not only have strength and power singing from chest to head voice in exercises but also in songs.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend. Is your mix getting stronger and more consistent? Yes or No? Let me know in the comments section below.


To keep building power and confidence singing from chest to head voice, your voice will grow significantly faster by doing the exercises for your vocal type. Your vocal type describes what you tend to do as you sing through the first bridge. Do you know your vocal type?


To get your vocal type, download the PDF titled “Get Your Vocal Type”. It’s available here or in the description below this YouTube video.


After downloading the PDF, follow the links and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Watch the videos about your vocal type and download the exercises and start working on them. They’ll help you succeed even faster.


If you want to join a community of singers just like you, I have a Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


This concludes this Three Part series on singing from chest to head voice. Congratulations on the great progress you’ve made with your mix and head voice.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.






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