Vocal Type

Vocal Types – Warning! YOUR Vocal Type Can and SHOULD Change!

Warning! Your Vocal type can change! Inside this video I’ll explain what the vocal types are, why they are critically important, and why your vocal type can and SHOULD change!


Hi! I’m Chuck Gilmore, International Vocal Coach and Founder of Power To Sing.


Each week I teach you lessons in vocal technique so you can build a powerful and confident singing voice. So you don’t miss out, please subscribe to my channel, Power To Sing. Be sure to click on the bell so you can be notified when I post special videos for you each week!


In this video I will explain:


  1. Vocal types

  2. Why it’s critical to your singing success to know yours

  3. Why your vocal type can and should change.

Vocal types are critical to understand because they explain your particular challenge as a singer. Knowing this you can choose exercises designed to correct those challenges and make rapid improvement with your singing!


What are Vocal Types


First, vocal types are NOT vocal classifications. A vocal type is NOT whether you’re a soprano, alto, tenor or bass. It is NOT whether you’re a spinto soprano, countertenor, contralto, or a basso profundo.


Your vocal type is a description of how you sing through the bridge of your voice. It’s one of these four: Pulled Chest – High Larynx; Light Chest – No Chest; Flip-Falsetto; or Mix.


Yes, you may have elements of each of these vocal types, however, there is one that is predominant.


For the men, it’s how you sing through the E above middle C, F, F# and G4.  For the women it’s how you sing through the A above middle C, Bb, B4, and C5. This is the area in your voice where you transition from chest voice, (your low voice) to head voice ( your high voice).


Some singers call this the “break” area of their voice. For some men, it feels like the top of the voice beyond which you’ve never sung before. That was my experience.


Why is it critically important you know your vocal type? Your vocal type describes what your voice does as you sing through the bridge. Here’s a general description of each.


Pulled Chest – High Larynx:

Whether male or female, when you sing through the first bridge of your voice you strain, reach up, get louder, tense up, crack and/or break, push the chest voice higher, and pull the larynx up. [demo]


Light Chest – No Chest:

Whether male or female when you sing your voice is breathy and airy from the bottom to the top of your voice, including in the first bridge. Or it may be breathy only when you sing into your low voice. You have no chest voice. [demo]


Flip – Falsetto:

Whether male or female when you sing through the bridge, you flip into falsetto. You can feel a build up of pressure, and you just shift or “let go” into falsetto  Or, throughout your range, you only sing in falsetto. [demo]



When you sing through your bridge your voice is balanced and even. Your larynx rests where it does when you speak. Your tone is consistent from the bottom to the top of your voice and back down again. Your tone is unmanufactured and uncluttered. Your words are easy to understand. [demo]


It’s critically important to know your vocal type because you can choose special vocal exercises designed for your vocal type.


These exercises help you stop pulling chest, stop singing airy or breathy, or stop singing in falsetto. The exercises for mix challenge, refine and improve your mixed voice.


What happens when you do these exercises for your vocal type? They cause you to stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things. You develop new muscle memory. You start learning how to sing in Mix.


Your mix singing becomes easier and more consistent. You stop, pulling chest, stop breathiness, stop flipping into falsetto and get better at mixing.


With time and dedication YOUR VOCAL TYPE CHANGES….TO MIX!


You no longer are Pulled Chest – High Larynx, or Light Chest – No Chest, or Flip – Falsetto because you mix as you sing through the bridge and into head voice and back down again.


I know this happens because it’s happened to me and it’s happened to thousands of other singers just like you.


These four vocal types are just a snapshot in time that can eventually change. The exercises CAUSE you to begin singing in a mix.


Once mix becomes your habit of singing, your vocal type becomes Mix because that’s how you sing through your first bridge. Then the other higher bridges also come into balance. It’s amazing how your voice comes together, once you mix through the first bridge.


Do you see? It’s wrong to think that your vocal type will always be Pulled Chest-High Larynx.


You start out as Pulled Chest – High Larynx, but the special exercises done correctly over time, enables you to learn to mix. You overcome your old habits of singing and learn new and better ways that enable you to sing with a mix voice.


If it hasn’t happened yet…it will if you work at it. Your vocal type will change to Mix. If it’s mix now, it will become a better and more consistent mix. The exercises for your vocal type will cause this to happen.


Have you seen progress doing the exercises for your vocal type? Are you beginning to Mix?

Let me know in the comments section below. Tell me if you are starting to mix or not.


If you haven’t discovered your vocal type and started doing the exercises, follow these steps:


One. Download this PDF, Get Your Vocal Type. Get it here or in the description below this Youtube video.


Two. Follow the links on the PDF and take the vocal test. The vocal test will help you discover your vocal type. Your vocal type describes what you tend to do when you sing through the bridge.


Three. Watch the videos about your vocal type and watch demonstrations of exercises for your vocal type, so you can get faster results.


Four. Download the exercises for your vocal type and start practicing them. These exercises, designed for your vocal type, will help you make immediate improvement with your singing voice and help you start mixing.




Also, to join a community of singers just like you, I invite you to join my Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


In addition, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @powertosing.



I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.

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