What Pulled Chest Singing Sounds Like vs Mix Singing
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What Pulled Chest Singing Sounds Like vs Mix Singing

This post is about What Pulled Chest Singing Sounds Like vs Mix Singing. Pulled Chest vs Mix Singing is confusing to many singers, whether experienced or beginners. Inside this video I’ll demonstrate what pulled chest singing sounds like vs mix singing so you can tell the difference in your voice.



Even the most experienced singers in the world pull chest voice. Maybe you were trained to sing this way and now it’s starting to erode the quality of your voice. You get hoarse and vocally tired easily.  Your slowing vibrato turns into a wobble. Perhaps your vocal cords have developed nodules or hemorrhaged.


If you are experienced you may have a harder time learning to mix than the newer singers because of years of muscle memory. If you are a new singer, you might struggle because you’re uncertain what pulled chest singing feels and sounds like vs mix voice.


What Pulled Chest Singing Sounds Like vs Mix Singing


An easy way to think of Pulled Chest is bringing all of your lower voice higher and higher. It feels tight, squeezed, loud and forced. You worry that your voice is going to crack or break because it’s under a lot of pressure. Often it will crack. The vowel in the words you sing often become distorted. You get louder to reach the high note. It sometimes sounds yelled and strident.  [Demo]


An easy way to think of Mix, on the other hand, is that it’s a mixture of chest and head voice. It feels lighter than Pulled Chest. It is not as loud. It doesn’t feel like excessive pressure is building up in the voice. Actually, the chest voice has dropped the weighty feeling.


An easy way to feel the difference is to sing “Ah” through the bridge. Men start at middle C: Women start at F4 just  above middle C. Sing it on the 5 tone scale like this. Medium loud but full voice. Like you would sing for an audience.  [Demo]


Can you feel the pull of the chest voice as you try and sing higher?  What does it feel like to you? Yelled? Strained? Flat? Did you crack, break into falsetto? Go breathy and airy?


Now do exactly the same thing, only change the “Ah” to “Uh”.  Be strict with the “Uh”. Don’t let it spread to “Ah”. [demo]


What does Mix singing feel like to you? How would you compare it to Pulled Chest singing?


I think it’s awkward at first. But soon becomes easier. There is no straining, cracking, breaking or going lighter or breathy.


Keeping the vowel “Uh” pure by not allowing it to spread to “Ah”  is an important key to success. It allows head voice vibration to blend or mix with the chest voice vibration. The mix of these two vibrations gives you your mix voice.


This will grow stronger and more usable if you resist the habit of pulling up the chest voice.


There is much more to learn about mix voice and how it compares to chest.


Get Your Vocal Type

A fast, easy way to get a more complete understanding with more examples of what pulled chest singing sounds like vs mix singing is to go here and take the free test and discover your vocal type.


It’s available here, just click the “i” or you’ll find the link to the PDF download in the description below.


Get links to Pulled Chest-High Larynx  examples as well as Mix voice with video explanations of each. Also you’ll find demonstrations of exercises to help you develop your mix voice. There’s a link to download exercises for Mix and all other vocal types.


If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend. Can you tell the difference between Pulled Chest Singing and Mix singing? Let me know in the comments section below.


Also, I’d love to see you on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Follow me on each of these @PowerToSing.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.


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