What to Eat Before Singing
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Ep.100: What to Eat Before Singing


What to eat before singing. Inside this video I’m going to give you the answers that will help you know what you can eat and drink to sing your very best!

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Anna Netrebko

After researching this topic for hours, I came across this video from Anna Netrebko a popular Russian operatic soprano.  She says, “Eat whatever you want!” 


The bottom line is every body is different. Experiment and see what works and what does not work for you.


What to Eat Before Singing

Here are some common recurring themes. Here are the “don’ts”.


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Don’t Drink alcohol the day of the show.

Don’t Drink heavy caffeine close to showtime. Caffeine dehydrates you.

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Don’t Eat heavy meals just before you sing. You can’t breath, get gas and burps, become lethargic and etc.

Don’t Eat spicy meals before you sing or just before going to bed

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Don’t Smoke anything. Ever.


Here are the “do’s”.

What to Eat Before Singing - A healthy body equals a healthy voice


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Do drink plenty of water the day of the show. Stop drinking a lot of water two hours before the show for obvious reasons.

Do eat balanced healthy meals the day of the show (Eat healthy all the time. A healthy body equals a healthy voice.)


General Advice


Now some general advice.


Eat moderately. Be aware of how foods affect your voice, digestive system and energy levels. Experiment when you’re rehearsing. Make a plan and follow it on performance days.


If you eat a very spicy meal after singing, allow at least 2 hours before sleeping to help prevent reflux. This may help keep the burning acid rising from your stomach off of your vocal cords.


Spicy foods including garlic often give you very bad breath. Your fellow singers, actors, and fans will not enjoy being around you. Be aware and thoughtful of others.


If you find some combination of things that work, keep doing it. Those that don’t, stop it.

I think most things in moderation won’t hurt. You may find that like Anna Netrebko you can eat anything. But, you might find you can’t. Make the adjustments that work for you now, and insure years of healthy singing.



You will find links to opinions about food and singing shared by other singers here and in the description below the YouTube video.


Remember, everything is debatable.












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This video is the 100th video in an Episode about singing. When I published Episode 1,  May 21, 2015, I had less than 90 subscribers. Seven months later we hit 1000 subscribers. In the last 8 months it quadrupled. There’re now over 5,500 subscribers.


You’ve watched over 1,300,000 minutes of video or more than 21,000 hours.


You’ve given 4700 likes and 99 dislikes. You’ve made 1003 comments and 1375 shares.


Thank you for subscribing, commenting and sharing.  It sincerely appreciate each one of you.


After completing a few more videos about vocal health, this series of Episodes will be concluded. Then I’ll begin a new Question and Answer video series and some other exciting things.


Please feel free to submit your questions, comments and suggestions for topics you’d like to see covered. I’ll be answering them in future videos.


Take the Vocal Test

Something that’s proven to be very helpful is learning your vocal type and getting exercises for your voice designed to help your vocal type improve.


Do you know your vocal type? Go to PowerToSing.com and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz and discover your vocal type. Then visit the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type.


Download the free exercises for your vocal type and get started improving your voice today.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.


You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.


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