What's My Vocal Type
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How To Sing – What’s My Vocal Type? 

 When we’re learning how to sing, a common question is What’s My Vocal Type?  Inside this video I’ll answer the question, “What’s My Vocal Type” and also explain the difference between vocal type and vocal classification.

What’s My Vocal Type

Your vocal type is what your voice tend’s to do when you sing from your lower notes, (chest voice) to your higher notes (head voice).


These things happen in a specific area of your voice called the the bridge. (Also known as the passaggio). This is where you transition from chest to head voice.


Here are some common things that happen as you sing higher through and above the bridge. I’ll demonstrate each of these.

  • You strain and the word or vowel distorts.
  • It sounds like you’re yelling.
  • The pressure may cause you’re voice to break into falsetto.
  • It might feel like your voice is jamming up.
  • You might manipulate the larynx to an extreme either down or up.
  • You stop singing higher because you think that’s the top of your voice.  


If any of these things describe what happens to you, it’s likely your vocal type is Pulled Chest/High Larynx.


You might just let go from chest voice into falsetto, which feels like a disconnected, lighter tone.

Or perhaps you sing throughout your range in this disconnected tone.


If this is the case, your vocal type is likely Flip/Falsetto.


Perhaps your singing is breathy and light. As a result you can’t feel the transition from chest to head voice at the bridge.


Your vocal type would likely be Light Chest/No Chest.


If you are able to sing through the bridge with no reaching or straining, your tone remaining connected, and your vocal cords and air flow balanced so there’s no breathiness, it’s likely that your vocal type is Mix.


This means that you sing easily through the bridge, the larynx is staying relaxed and low just like when you speak. As a result, your words are easy to hear and understand.


The four vocal types, Pulled Chest/High Larynx, Flip/Falsetto, Light Chest/No Chest and Mix, represent every singer. There may be a slight combination of these in you, but one is dominate virtually every time.


Knowing your vocal type is critical.  Here’s why.


#1. It helps you understand your voice, the physical problems, and how to correct them and improve your voice


#2. You can choose specific vocal exercises designed to eliminate the physical problems and enhance your vocal strengths


#3. This targeted approach helps you progress rapidly


At the end of the video, I’ll tell you how you can discover your vocal type.  


Your Vocal Type Is NOT your Vocal Classification

Your vocal classification is not what you tend to do when you sing higher through the bridge.


Your vocal classification describes whether you’re a Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass or related classifications. Your vocal classification includes the timbre, range, and tessitura of your voice together with other factors.


In my judgement, to make significant improvement in your singing, it’s vitally more important to know your vocal type than to know your vocal classification.


I feel this way because I knew I was a bass for 30 years. But this knowledge did not help me eliminate the weaknesses in my voice.


Knowing my vocal type and doing exercises to help me learn to sing in and through the bridge was life changing.


In contrast, knowing my vocal classification had nothing to do with increasing my range more than an octave. But it is helpful in selecting repertoire.


If you liked this video give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend. From the descriptions above, can you guess your vocal type? Tell me in the comments section below.


Also, let’s get social on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @PowerToSing.


Here’s How to Discover Your Vocal Type

To make this fast and easy here’s a link to a free, simple, fast vocal test and quiz that will give you your vocal type.


This PDF has expired. For the vocal test click the link above. To see examples of each vocal type and get free exercises for each vocal type and videos of famous singers with your vocal type go to the Vocal Types.


Just click the link in the description below.  I’ve also included the link to the “Get Your Vocal Type” right here (top left). Just click on that little “i” and you can get the free PDF and your vocal type.


Did you know I do a live broadcast every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm Mountain Daylight Time on YouTube and soon to be added Facebook Live?  


Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and click the bell so you’re notified when I go live. I always include a Q and A during the broadcast so you can get answers to your specific questions.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.  You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.

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