
How To Sing High Pitch For Guys – Three Secrets!

How to sing high pitch for guys? When someone asks about singing a high pitch, it’s the same as singing a high note. High notes and high pitches are used interchangeably and both are hard to do unless you know these three secrets! Watch!


Hi I’m Chuck Gilmore, International Vocal Coach and Founder of Power To Sing.


Each week I teach you lessons in vocal technique so you can build a powerful and confident singing voice. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please subscribe to my channel, Power To Sing. Be sure to click on the bell so you’re notified when I post special videos for you each week!


How to Sing High Pitch For Guys – Three Simple Secrets


Secret Number One – When you sing high notes and it feels like you can’t sing any higher, you can!  You’re not hitting the top of your voice. You’re hitting the beginning of the bridge or passaggio…or passageway.


This is where the vibrations of your low voice or chest voice, start to shift into your high voice, or head voice.


Watch. [Demo pulled chest on Ah] Can you hear how that feels like I’m hitting the top of my voice?


Secret number one means that it’s not the top. You just need to learn how to allow the vibrations to move into your head without your neck muscles grabbing.


Watch [Demo bridging with narrowed vowel] Did you hear what I did with the “ah”? I changed it to “uh”. [Demo again] Now you try it. Do it softly.  As soon as you feel your neck muscles start to tense or grab, change the vowel to “uh”. Ready guys, begin.


Did you feel the sound vibration move into your head? This is how you begin learning to sing high pitches.


Secret Number Two – You must believe that increasing your range is not only possible but easy. Until you realize that anyone can do this, especially you, you’ll always be fighting it. You just need to be taught how to do it.


Try this. Quietly say “ney” with a funny, exaggerated sound on a scale like this. [Demo Oct Repeat Ney Ab3-Ab4]  Don’t do it hard or loud. [Demo again]


Now come down the scale 4 half steps like this. [Demo] I’ll play it for you. Ready guys, begin.


Can you feel the connected tone starting in your head voice and staying connected as you came down the scale?  Congratulations. You have just learned how to sing high pitches for guys. Let me know in the comments section if you felt something new.


Are you starting to believe it’s possible to increase your range to sing high pitches?

You’re doing it…and it only gets easier and better.


Secret Number Three – The vocal cords will adjust smoothly to let you sing high pitches without straining, cracking or breaking.


Here’s a way to feel that adjustment of your vocal cords. It’s an exercise called Bubble Lips. Here’s how you do it.


Make a frown. Put your fingers in your frown lines and lift. Say uh and add the bubble.  Don’t let the tone break.  [Demo Bubble Lips 5 tone G3-C#4] You try it. Ready, begin.


Remember these three things:


Secret Number One – When you sing high notes and it feels like you can’t sing any higher, you can!


Secret Number Two – You must believe that increasing your range is not only possible but easy. You just need to be taught how to do it.


And Secret Number Three – The vocal cords will adjust smoothly to let you sing high pitches without straining, cracking or breaking.


The next step to help you learn to sing high pitches is to do exercises for your vocal type.


Your vocal type is not whether you’re soprano, alto, tenor or bass. Your vocal type describes what your voice tends to do as you sing higher. For example, do you tend to strain, break or go breathy?


To discover your vocal type, download this free PDF entitled “Get Your Vocal Type”. You can get it here, or in the description area below this YouTube video.


This PDF contains links to a simple vocal test. Take the test and get your vocal type.


Then watch the videos about your vocal type and download the exercises for your vocal type.


This PDF will give you links to vocal cord exercises to help you sing high pitches well into your head voice.


To help you even more, watch this video,  “How to Sing High Notes and How to Sing Higher Than You Thought Possible”.




Also, to join a community of singers just like you, I invite you to join my Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


In addition, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @powertosing.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power. I’ll see you inside the next video.


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