Practicing Singing Quietly

Practicing Singing Quietly

Practicing singing quietly can significantly improve your singing!  Inside this video I’ll tell you why quiet practicing is so powerful and how you can take advantage of it to immediately improve your practicing and singing success.



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In this video I’ll explain what exactly “practicing singing quietly” means and describe three major benefits you’ll get so your singing sounds amazing faster.


What is “Practicing Singing Quietly”?


Here’s what it’s not. It is not the act of striving to sing quietly.  It is not quiet singing.


Here’s what it is. This is about practicing your singing.  It’s practicing your different exercises and songs quietly or softly. It is refusing to practice louder than medium loud at the most.



Three Major Benefits of Practicing Singing Quietly


In the book “Singing for the Stars” by Seth Riggs, he explains “You don’t develop your voice by pushing it to its limit. You develop it by gradually conditioning it to work efficiently with a balanced coordination.” (Revised Edition 2008, pp. 20)


Benefit Number One: Practicing singing quietly helps you, “set up the correct balance between your exhaled air and your vocal cords, allowing you to sing at a speech level, and then to have your neuro-muscular system live with that balance”. (Ibid pp. 83)


Very often a singer complains he/she is not making progress with their exercises and songs. When I work with them, it’s immediately obvious why. They’re practicing too loud.


When you practice loud, it’s too easy to activate the outer muscles in the neck. These muscles add squeezing and tension around the vocal cords and pulls the larynx upward. Then it’s goodbye to good singing.


It’s amazing how fast students succeed with the exercises or songs…sometimes almost immediately…as soon as they reduce the loudness by half.


Here’s a practice tip: Record yourself practicing. Listen and then estimate on a scale of 1-10 how loud you’re practicing. If the number is 8, reduce the loudness to a 4.  If it’s a 5, reduce the loudness to 2 ½.  Practice at this new, softer volume and see how quickly you improve.



Benefit Number Two: You retrain your neuro-muscular system to forget the old way of singing, with the lifetime of bad singing habits, and create a new muscle memory, one with a balanced voice. These old muscle tensions disappear and your singing progress will come faster. (Ibid pp. 38)


Here’s another tip: Quiet singing is not breathy singing. Listen to the difference. This is a breathy chest voice.[Demo]  My vocal cords are too lax. This is a quiet chest voice. [Demo]


My vocal cords are the same as when I speak softly…not whisper…but speaking softly. Can you hear the difference?  Let me know in the comment section below if you can hear a difference between singing breathy and singing quiet.


Benefit Number Three: Practicing Singing Quietly enables your vocal cords to develop their own strength.  Again quoting from “Singing for the Stars”:


“Don’t be too concerned about building a strong voice right away. The ability to increase the loudness of your tone will come by itself, after the coordination of your vocal muscles has been established.


“Once the “crutch” of depending on your outer muscles to help keep your vocal cords balanced with your breath flow is gone, your vocal cords will develop their own independent strength…eventually providing you with all the dynamic (or loudness) flexibility you’ll need.” (pp. 39)


One of the fastest ways to benefit from practicing singing quietly is to get your vocal type and practice the exercises for your unique vocal type.


To make it easy for you to get your vocal type and the exercises best for you, here’s a free PDF entitled “Get Your Vocal Type”.  You can get it here or in the description below this Youtube video.


This PDF contains links to a special vocal test where you can discover your vocal type. It also contains links to videos all about your vocal type, along with special exercises designed to work best with your vocal type which you can download immediately.


Here’s my last practice tip: When you get your PDF, do these exercises softer than I demonstrated in those videos and you’ll quickly reap the benefits of practicing singing quiet with exercises perfect for your unique vocal type.




Also, to join a community of singers just like you, I invite you to join my Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


In addition, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @powertosing.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power to Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.


I’ll see you inside the next video.


Thumbnail photo by Pepperfox Photo


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