Four Vocal Types

Four Vocal Types – Are you a Pulled Chest High Larynx Type?

There are Four Vocal Types. If you know your vocal type, you can improve your singing rapidly with special exercises just for you.


Inside this video, I’ll help you find out if your vocal type is Pulled Chest-High Larynx. Knowing this can completely change your singing for the better.



To learn singing technique that enables you to sing higher without cracking, straining, breaking or breathiness, subscribe to my channel. Be sure to click on the bell to get notified when I post videos each week.


First, what are the four vocal types?


The four vocal types are:


Pulled Chest-High Larynx

Light Chest-No Chest




All singers have elements of some or all of these. However, one of these is dominant in every singer.


Your vocal type describes what your voice tends to do as you sing from your low to your high notes.


This video will describe the Pulled Chest-High Larynx vocal type. This is my vocal type and in my opinion represents about 90 – 95% of all singers.


Here are 3 things that indicate you are this vocal type.


  • As you sing from your low to high notes, your voice tends to feel and sound strained. You feel like you have to reach upward and lift your chin and stretch your neck to sing the high notes. [Demo]
  • You have to sing louder and louder as you go higher, and your pitch goes flat or sharp. Your voice begins to jam up, like you’re hitting a ceiling. Sometimes your voice cracks or breaks or gets really scratchy. [Demo]
  • As you sing higher and higher you eventually have to stop or break into falsetto to keep going. [Demo]


If you think you might be this vocal type, tell me now in the description below. Type “Yes, that’s me”, or “No, I’m something else”.


Why is this so important to know? It’s important because you can do exercises that eliminate these problems. The exercises will retrain your voice to help you sing higher, easier, and better.


Here’s an exercise that will help you sing higher without the problems above.


It’s called bubble lips. You can also do the same exercise using a tongue trill.


Make a frown and put your fingers in the frown lines and lip your cheeks gently. As you say “uh”, blow air through your lips so they bubble, like this. [Demo]  Now do it with this scale.


Guys you do it here. [Demo] Girls you do it here. [Demo]  Don’t let it break like this. [Demo] Let’s try it.


Guys your first. Ready begin.  Now the ladies. Read begin.


If it wants to crack, bend at the waist and look down at the floor. This will help you keep the tone connected from your chest voice (low notes) to your head voice (high notes).


Can you feel the tone and vibrations moving from your chest to your head and back down without straining or cracking?


That’s possible to do when you sing! [demo] There are many more exercises to train you to sing from low to high without having to strain or break.


Here’s a PDF with links to a vocal test to discover and verify your vocal type. It also has links to videos with more details about your vocal type and links to exercises specifically for Pulled Chest – High Larynx vocal types. These exercises will retrain your nervous system so you can sing from low to high notes without straining, breaking, falsetto or breathiness.


Get your free PDF here or in the description below this Youtube video.


It won’t be long before you can sing from low to high notes easily and confidently.


If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with someone else who wants to improve their singing and make fast progress with their voice.


If you’d like to join a community of singers just like you, I have a Facebook page, Power To Sing, where I share up to date singing advice to help you succeed with your voice.


Also, be sure to join me on Twitter and Instagram @PowerToSing.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence, and power.

I’ll see you inside the next video.






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