Singing Vibrato Exercise

Singing Vibrato Exercise – One Exercise to Get or Improve Vibrato

Singing Vibrato Exercise – One Exercise to Get or Improve Vibrato.


Here’s one singing vibrato exercise that will help you get or improve your vibrato.


It doesn’t matter whether you were born with vibrato or not. This exercise will help you get or improve your vibrato.


First for those who can’t do vibrato at all start with a note that’s comfortable in your chest range. For men I suggest E3. Women start on A3.  


For both men and women do the singing vibrato exercise like this: slowly sing the two pitches by alternating between them. Let me show you. [Demo]


Don’t do it fast at first. Take your time. Do them easy and relaxed, at medium loudness. Make sure you’re hitting each note on pitch. If you have a keyboard to guide you, use it.


Next, after you can do this easily, do it a little faster. Just a little faster. Don’t change anything else, just the speed. [Demo]


Practice this until it’s comfortable for you.


Now you’re ready to go a little faster.  [Demo] Increase the speed only as fast as you’re able to do it easily and correctly. Don’t get sloppy. [Demo]


The last step is to transition from a walking speed so to speak, to a jogging speed. It’s not a big jump, but it is a different gate.  


It feels like you don’t go as high or as low with each note. To me it feels like the difference between this [image] and this [image 2].


It’s done by going a little faster…as if I stopped walking and started slowly jogging.


If you’ve ever ridden a horse, as you begin to move faster you bounce uncomfortably on the horse. But as the horse goes into a gallop, it has a rhythm that feels natural and comfortable.


That’s what this starts to feel like…natural and comfortable. There’s a balance and rhythm you feel in the oscillations. Hold it out long enough that the vocal cords begin to accept this and memorizes the feeling.[demo]


A common mistake when learning or refining vibrato is not sustaining it long enough. [Demo] The vocal cords don’t have time to memorize this new coordination.


You can take this same exercise and change vowels. Do the same thing we’ve done on “oo” then try it on “oh”. [Demo]


You can change the pitches. Do it higher,  do it lower [Demo] .


Change the pitch while you are sustaining it, like this: [Demo going up and down a 5 tone scale]


If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend. Were you born with vibrato or did you have to learn it? Let me know in the comments section below.


Also, lets get social. Please join me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @PowerToSing.


Another way to improve your vibrato is to do exercises for your vocal type. Your vocal type is what your voice tends to do as you sing from chest to head voice.


Go to and take the vocal test, which I call the PowerTest. Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.


Go to the Knowledge Center on the website and watch the videos about your vocal type. Download the free exercises and start practicing them today.


Practice refining your vibrato with these exercises for your vocal type. They’ll help you improve rapidly.


For more singing vibrato exercises, be sure to watch Episode 60 which gives you 4 more ways to get or improve your vibrato.


I’m Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing. You can sing higher with beauty, confidence, power and vibrato!


I’ll see you inside the next video.


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